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Justice Matters

As women of the church we are called to give strong public witness against oppression brought about by unjust political and social structures, locally, nationally and internationally.

Meet A Sister

Learn how these sisters were opened to God’s call to follow the BVM Mission of being freed and helping others enjoy freedom in God’s steadfast love.



We invite you to join the world community to rebuild our relationship with each other and our common home.
We are called to participate in a Laudato Si’ Action Plan to respond to the cry of the poor and protect vulnerable resources through sustainability programs and integral ecology.

JOIN US in our efforts to act boldly, humbly, and courageously.


Social Media

BVM Sisters

18 hours 19 minutes ago

BVM Lynn Winsor, “Sista Lynn” is featured in a two part series in Forbes Magazine, highlighting her incredible work at Xavier College Prep in Phoenix.

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