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Advent: We Are Already Ransomed by Grace, Even During Pandemic

Artwork by Associate Maureen Frommelt

Advent is an awesome liturgical season that speaks to the heart like no other!

As we await the birth of Jesus at Christmas, the waiting and watching spoken of in the daily readings bring about an ardent, quiet longing. Even when pondering at twilight, the purple skies with outlines of now-leafless trees in a pre-winter chill engender a prayerful, peaceful longing . . . for something more.

For sure, these days we are longing for a life without the fear and sadness of this pandemic, or for some new life in unity for our country, or that climate might be dealt with such that our planet might be saved for the future.

We sing, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, and ransom us! We are captive!

But Emmanuel is God with us, and is longing for us! We are already ransomed!

Thus, might some of what we have been through the last several months have been grace, pure grace?

As we ponder the mystery of the Incarnation when the Son of God humbled himself, taking on our humanity, let us keep increasing our awareness of and rejoicing in God’s presence with us always.

Let us be mindful of what is happening to us and around us so that we may continue to bring God’s presence into every situation and to everyone we meet, no matter what or who this might be!












This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Thank you, Kathleen, for this wonderful Advent perspective. I will share this with others.
    Thanks, too, to Associate Maureen Frommelt for the wonderful painting connecting the season of Advent to our BVM Core Values.

  2. Thank you Kathleen for this hopeful and inspiring reflection on Advent. You have given us much to ponder as we continue to wait for God’s coming in new and surprising ways.

  3. Thank you, Kathleen, for sharing this reflection. I am especially inspired by by your reference to “…leafless trees in a pre-winter chill….” Advent blessings come in multiple manifestations! Thank you, Maureen, for your reflective artistic expression connecting Advent and our core values.

  4. Thanks so much, Kathleen
    I love the picture of this article, the colors and words interconected. To sing to come to Emmanuel reminds me of my first Christmas at the Mother House. Good time. Blessings to you.

  5. Thank you Kathleen for your inspiring and creative works as we move into the Advent season. So much to birth anew.

  6. Gratitude, Kathleen, for your wise and creative words. We do have a few leafless trees here in Northern CA and a winter chill (without snow) reminds us of the beauty of the space in between the leaves that form amazing shapes and space.
    Advent blessings all.

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