Alleluia Anyway: BVMs Celebrate Easter Together Although Apart

BVMs, associates, family, and friends across the country celebrated Easter through Zoom.
Even though Easter had to be celebrated at a social distance, Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary found ways to come together.
Some gathered via Zoom, including one Easter open house visited by 35 people from six states.
“During Holy Week we also had prayer services on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil with 12 of us on Zoom: BVMs and associates from Seattle, Ashland, Ore., northern and southern California,” says Bette Gambonini, BVM.
“Each day was planned by a different person. Our time together was most inspiring and prayerful. We shared Scripture, contemplative time, music, prayer, and bread and wine/juice. All were very grateful for the experience, especially those who live alone. With each new day we also improved our ability to maneuver through the Zoom technology,” she says.
Bette and BVMs Marilyn Wilson and Elizabeth Avalos live about two blocks from each other in Sunnyvale, Calif.
“We are very grateful for the opportunity to be so close so as to connect easily. During the past four weeks, the three of us have taken walks around our mobile home park each day and have gathered for a meal most days. We have also continued the ministry of cooking a meal twice a month for the Catholic Worker House in San Jose.”