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Ann Lenore Eifert, BVM: A Legacy of Rising Against the Wind

  • BVM Sisters

St. Francis Xavier School in Phoenix (SFX) is currently working on a remodel of their library. During planning, staff and faculty expressed a desire to have something hanging from the high ceilings in the new space.

Development Director Anne Sanford suggested creating kites to honor the school’s deep connection to the BVMs and to Ann Lenore Eifert, specifically, for her “legendary” kite lessons.

Coordinated by the Office of BVM Life and Mission, Ann Lenore shared some of her memories of her science unit via a video message in 2021 in celebration of SFX founders’ day and its 85th anniversary.

Her science unit on kites “dealt with wind and light.” It was one of her favorite units . . . and the students’ as well. They would spend a month learning content and then apply what they learned by building kites. “I wouldn’t let them buy a kite. They had to make it at school,” Ann Lenore says.

Students would take the completed kites to neighboring Brophy Preparatory School, fly them from the football field, and judge if they were built correctly. One year, it was particularly windy. Ann Lenore decided to tie a kite to the handles of a student’s bike. “The wind and the kite were strong enough to pull the bike and the boy . . . not using the pedals . . . all the way across the big playground. The students were able to see the value of the wind and that it could be very useful.”

Upon seeing the video message from Ann Lenore, faculty and staff were deeply moved by her memories. Several shared stories about family members that had made kites in her class. It didn’t take long for everyone to be on board with Anne’s vision for the library ceiling.

She worked with a local artist to design the kites and created the messages on them, “Trust as if everything depended on God;” “Act as if everything depended on you;” and one that includes a nod to their Jesuit heritage, “Go set the world on fire.”

Director of Campus Ministry Deborah Westerfield shares, “We are so grateful to the BVMs and are so blessed to have such a wonderful ongoing relationship with BVM sisters, especially here in Phoenix.”

One Facebook follower shares: “Sister Mary Ann Lenore taught my 6th Grade class at Holy Family in Glendale, Calif., in 1981-82. We made kites  out of Garbage bags, balsa wood, and some with crepe paper. She taught us about survival, we made survival kits and little shelters. After 40  years, I still remember like it was yesterday. What an amazing tribute to Sister Mary Ann Lenore!”


On Sept. 21, 1936, St. Francis Xavier School opened in Regis Hall in the present Brophy College Preparatory. Five BVMs were part of the inaugural staff. BVMs served the school from 1936–1999. While BVMs no longer teach at SFX, they continue to have a strong connection and presence.

About the author: Kari Litscher is a communications specialist for the Sisters of Charity, BVM in Dubuque, Iowa.

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