BVM Honored with Human Rights Award

Sue Hattel, local/state president of Church Women United, presents Mary McCauley, BVM with the Human Rights Award.
Mary McCauley, BVM (Mercedie) was honored with the Human Rights Award presented by Church Women United, Inc., at the 2016 May Friendship Day held at Shalom Spirituality Center in Dubuque, Iowa. This year’s service theme was “Finding Grace at the Table.” The featured program focused on “I was an immigrant/refugee and you welcomed me.”
In her own words, Mary replayed poignant scenes of confusion and fear during the workplace immigration raid at the Agriprocessors plant in Postville, Iowa, eight years ago. Serving as pastoral administrator at St. Bridget Parish in Postville, Mary was instrumental in offering support, comfort, help and hope to the workers and their families.
“I accept this honor in the name of all seekers of justice . . . and of all of my friends in Postville who were affected by the devastating immigration raid on May 12, 2008,” Mary shared. “May this award honor all those who suffer because of our current day injustices.”
BVM First Vice President Mira Mosle and Mary Martens, BVM (Loras) spoke at the event, emphasizing that “justice continues to be the aim of BVMs” as they live the call to “Welcome the Stranger.”