Induction of New BVM Leadership Team Celebrated

The Sisters of Charity, BVM celebrated the installation of the new leadership team: (center, l. to r.) Second Vice President LaDonna Manternach, President Teri Hadro, and First Vice President Lou Anglin during a special ceremony at Mount Carmel on July 31.
Mary Ann Zollmann, BVM (Clement Mary) welcomed sisters, family, friends and guests and invited all to prayer. The blessing of the former leadership team, President Teri Hadro, BVM; First Vice President Mira Mosle, BVM; and Second Vice President Catherine (Kate) E. Hendel, BVM was followed by the calling forth of the new leadership team as each was presented with a candle by Joellen McCarthy, BVM.
Affirmation and blessing by the congregation preceded the closing song as sisters affirmed their sharing of leadership, in mutual commitment, in joyful participation, in loving growth, in faithfulness to the Spirit of God, and in the spirit of Foundress Mary Frances Clarke. With gratitude, they blessed Kate (far l.) and Mira (far r.) who have guided the community for the past four years.