2016 Ecuador Immersion Trip: Reflections about Nuevo Mundo

The immersion participants share their thought on their experience in Quito at the Nuevo Mundo.
“What a beautiful learning environment that started with a small pre-school. It’s such a blessing that the afternoon students are able to receive a solid education and that many Students find their way to Annie’s mission as staff.” – Bonnie Spaight
“I enjoyed the passion of Pat and Sonya. Their love of education and the future of children was inspiring. We are so lucky to have all the educational opportunities we do. I’m sorry to say I take it for granted.” – Katherine Moris
“I loved Nuevo Mundo and the stories of its development- the most amazing part, though, was instant peace that came over me when I walked through the door into the beautiful garden- a moment of elation.” -Monica Kurth
“Put a face on a country-one can visit and be a “tourist” but one doesn’t really “see” until speaking with people in their homes, being welcomed and blessed.” – Brigitte Connolly