BVM Leadership Team Commends Episcopal Clergy

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde
Washington National Cathedral
3101 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, DC 20016
Dear Bishop Budde and Colleagues,
As the leadership team of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a congregation of Catholic religious sisters, we wish to commend you for your strong and unambiguous statement calling for an end to the complacency and unwitting complicity of Americans who remain silent in the face of abusive and demeaning statements by Donald Trump and others who have been elected to lead our country.
We believe with you that “We must boldly stand witness against the bigotry, hatred, intolerance, and xenophobia that is hurled at us, especially when it comes from the highest offices of this nation. We must say that this will not be tolerated.” With gratitude for your leadership, we will do everything in our power to encourage our sisters, associates and friends to speak out on behalf of voiceless and powerless persons who have become political fodder.
As Sisters committed to nonviolence, immigration reform, the abolition of capital punishment, and the eradication of human trafficking, we again thank you for your integrity and public stance. We pledge our prayers and to work alongside you to protest “…political discourse that violates each person’s sacred identity as a child of God.”
With warm regards,
Sisters of Charity, BVM Leadership Team
Teri Hadro, BVM
Lou Anglin, BVM
LaDonna Manternach, BVM
Read the entire letter posted on the Washington National Cathedral website: