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Clementine (Lioba) Kuhle, BVM

Sister Clementine (Lioba) Kuhle, BVM died at Caritas Center, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018.

Visitation, the Sharing of Memories and Mass of Christian Burial were on Wednesday, Nov. 14. 2018. Burial was in the Mount Carmel cemetery.

Sister Clementine was born on April 26, 1919, in Fair Play, Wis., to Frank and Esther Richards Kuhle. She entered the BVM congregation Sept. 8, 1937, from Nativity Parish, Dubuque, Iowa. She professed first vows on March 19, 1940, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1945.

Sister was an elementary teacher at St. Ferdinand and St. Gertrude in Chicago; St. Paul in San Francisco and St. Vincent in Petaluma, Calif.; and St. Bridget in Omaha, Neb. She served as religious education coordinator at St. Gertrude in Chicago and was a staff supervisor at the Motherhouse in Dubuque, Iowa.

“At the time of her golden jubilee, the pastor of St. Gertrude Parish wrote, ‘[Sister Clementine] has been . . . a constant and consistent person of good cheer, an accomplished teacher and a real sister [in that] she seems like your sister. She is as comfortable to be with as an old shoe and someone who has no role to play other than being her natural pleasant self . . . [W]e are especially grateful that Sister Clem has been such a gift to our school. She always says, “I had very good superiors and I have a nice gift from God of getting along with people.”’ We’ve had a nice gift from God too.’” (Eulogy)

She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers Raymond, Richard and LaVern; and sister Dolores Ryan. She is survived by nieces, nephews, and the Sisters of Charity, BVM, with whom she shared life for 81 years.

Memorials may be given to Sisters of Charity, BVM Support Fund, 1100 Carmel Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003 or make an online gift.

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This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Sister Clementine and I taught side by side together at .St. Gertrude for 20 years. I taught first grade and she taught second. Sister Clem just was a wonderful person. She was a kind and loving person. In all the years we taught I never heard a cross word out of her. We were a very close faculty and we all enjoyed each other’s company especially Clem. In fact of all things there was a group of us having lunch together yesterday and when we heard she had just passed away. Unbelievable We all loved her. Most of all Clem was just fun and God how she loved the Cubs. God bless you Sister Clementine .You are with the angels. Much Love ,Trudy and also my husband Gene

  2. Sister Clem was my 2nd grade teacher at St. Gertrude’s. She was a caring woman and instilled me with a lifelong love of learning! I am so glad she was blessed with such a long life to share with those around her. She will be forever missed and never forgotten!

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