Day one of the Ecuador Immersion Experience

The first full day in Quito was a very full one indeed! An orientation session with Miguel and Cindy was followed by a tour of the shops in Center 2 where the vocational students learn their trades. A quick trip to Center 1 was followed by lunch and a visit to Sasky Alquinga’s Quito office for Fe Y Alegria. We met the staff, and were intrigued by the concept of a mobile school in the streets. Volunteer teens, students themselves are trained and supervised by Fe Y Alegria staff.
They use a large cart on wheels that is moved by two persons into the streets where on three days a week, they find children ages 1-14 who are not in regular schools. Some children are from families affected in one way or another with drug trafficking.
Using engaging art, puppets and games to attract the children, the leaders follow up with more educative exercises. The sessions last three hours. The lessons learned affect not only the children and their families, but also the volunteers themselves. During these sessions, the children are loved and celebrated…thus the name Fe y Alegria: Faith and Happiness. Besides this mobile program, they also sponsor regular Catholic schools.
Thank you for your sharing Judy, and for leading the group in Ecuador. This is always such a transformative experience for all involved. Know that we are keeping all of you in prayer, and ALL the people of Ecuador, especially those most affected by the earthquake.