Do You Find Joy in Jesus’ Presence?

As the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord draws close, I again find myself called to deeper conversion by Luke’s Gospel reading.
Over the last few years, as my faith has grown, I have become increasingly drawn in by the character of Simeon and his response to the presence of the child Jesus in the temple, whom he recognizes as the Messiah.
Placing myself in Simeon’s shoes, I wonder: how would I respond? After all, I am in the presence of the same Savior every time I sit in front of the tabernacle. Just as Simeon holds the baby Jesus in his arms and praises God, so too am I afforded the opportunity to hold Him in my hands during communion.
Do I share Simeon’s radiant joy? His complete fulfillment to the point where my life is complete? It’s easy to let Jesus be the King of my heart right after a retreat or intimate encounter, but it becomes much harder in everyday life.
I pretend to know what will truly satisfy, for I will be content beyond searching when I have Jesus . . . and an A in math class, a spotless reputation, and perfect relationships. Yet, as St. Augustine articulates, my heart remains restless; restless until I let it find rest in Him. And Him alone.
To imitate Simeon’s disposition towards the Lord, to be docile to the point of letting Jesus be sole desire and complete delight, is the ultimate call of our Catholic faith.
On this upcoming Feast of the Presentation, I pray that we may all one day have faith like Simeon, letting the Lord’s presence satiate the deepest longings of our heart and be our fullness of joy forevermore.
A thoughtful and beautiful reflection, Alex. Thanks for sharing.
Praying with you to let God’s presence satisfy my/our heart’s longings. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful reflection…I am 82 and what has sustained me most during my many years are the words of Augustine which you highlighted; our hearts are restless unless they rest in you, O Lord.
I have had a wonderful and full life with many challenges/opportunities as well as the encouragement and support of others along the way. Always, I go to that place within me to express gratitude for that deep conviction that God is at the center of it all. You have learned this so young. You carry a gift that will help you bring that belief to others. I wish you well.
Thank you.
Thanks aunt Sandy.
Alex, thank you. God has gifted you and you have gifted us in turn. Thanks for sharing your reflection. Nunc Demittis!