Empowering the Achuar BVM Ministry Partnership Grant Recipient: Maketai, Inc.

Mesh netting was purchased to safeguard the coops Group leaders Sophie Morse (l.), Sandra Morse, Julián Larrea, and Jose Peas of Sharamentsa bring guests to the rainforest to learn about the vibrant Achuar culture. Photo used with permission: maketai.org.
by Kari Litscher
In a world where the echo of environmental crisis reverberates and division seems to overshadow unity, there exists a ray of light—Maketai, Inc. Founded on principles of solidarity and sustainability, this nonprofit organization has dedicated itself to amplifying the voice of the Achuar people and realizing their vision of “One Planet, One People.”
Inspiring Vision and Inception
The genesis of Maketai, Inc. in 2007 was more than just the establishment of another nonprofit; it was the culmination of a journey of discovery and transformation. Inspired by the spirit of the indigenous Achuar tribal people living in Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest, Adrian Dominican Sister Judy Bisignano and Co-Founder and President Sandra Morse embarked on a mission to foster resilient communities within a spirit of abundance that supports environmental diversity, adaptation, interdependence, and change.
In 2017, Sandra Morse collaborated with Celestino Antik, President of the Kutsukao Community, on a Chicken Project. This initiative introduced essential chickens and eggs into the diets of 2,000 Achuars, promoting growth in leadership, confidence, and respect among the women who managed the project. The program offered a sustainable alternative to over-fishing and over-hunting, ensuring the rainforest’s diversity, balance, and stability for future generations.
Empowering the Achuar
The Achuar Chicken Project took flight in 2017–2018 with the funds from its first BVM Ministry Partnership Grant. This initiative aimed to augment protein intake in the Achuar diet while safeguarding local wildlife. BVM Dorothy “Dodie” (John Edmund) Dwight’s endorsement proved pivotal in securing the grant, marking the beginning of an incredible journey. Sister Judy wrote, “The BVMs are making a significant contribution to the lives of the Achuar while stabilizing the environment within the Amazon River Basin. That is epic! 5,000 chickens will soon be flying (by bush plane!) from Pyro into the heart of the jungle. That will be a monumental moment!”
Once again supported by Dodie, grant funds in 2018–2019 enabled women in 12 Achuar villages to collaboratively construct shared chicken coops for breeding, feeding, and housing chickens. Additionally, the funds facilitated transportation expenses to bring women together, creating a platform for sharing experiences in handling the chickens.
Navigating Challenges
Despite the success of the Achuar Chicken Project, it faced significant challenges. The Achuar families, particularly the women, were ill-prepared to house the chickens adequately, and there was a lack of attention given to constructing suitable coops, brooding boxes, and fenced areas. Additionally, predators posed a threat to the chickens (and fish) raised by the Achuar women, and there were added expenses associated with transporting food to other villages by bush plane and canoe.
In 2019–2020, Maketai, Inc. utilized the third allocation of BVM grant funds, sponsored by BVM Sandy (St. Philip) Rodemyer to combat these struggles. The funding was used to establish three communal chicken coops and introduce one fish farm in each of the eight Achuar communities. Mesh netting was purchased to safeguard the coops and farms, and women and girls across multiple villages were empowered to take full responsibility for the project’s new phase.
Sister Judy remarked in 2020, “I think the Amazon rainforest is what’s left of the Garden of Eden. While there has always been balance and abundance in the area, the chickens and eggs provided by the BVMs are a welcome fresh new daily commodity. Every morning is Easter Sunday as the Achuar kids hunt for and gather up their new blessed bounty.” During the height of COVID, this bounty saved the Achuar people from starvation.
Expanding Horizons
Building upon the success of the Achuar Chicken Project, Maketai, Inc. set its sights on broader horizons with the Fins and Feathers Project. Sponsored again by Sandy Rodemyer, the BVM funds of 2023–2024 will be used to expand sustainable food production to eight of the remaining 16 Achuar villages.
Building Unity
Sandra Morse emphasizes the collaborative nature of their work, saying, “Our approach is not linear, but relational. By partnering with the Achuar people rather than working for them, we can achieve more. We understand that our destiny is completely linked with theirs.” She adds, “The support of the BVMs has been instrumental for us . . . for Judy, BVM support held immense significance. To be supported by both communities [Adrian Dominicans and BVMs] made all of the difference in the world to her.”
Reflections and Impact
As the timeline of funds and projects unfolded, reflections provide a testament to the profound impact of the BVM Ministry Partnership Grants. Impressed by Maketai’s achievements, Sandy Rodemyer states, “I have been amazed by all that has been accomplished with the grants that this organization has received . . . and by what an enormous difference our partnership has made in the lives of the Achuar.”
The story of Maketai, Inc. goes beyond a simple chronicle of funds and projects; it serves as a powerful testament to the transformative capacity of unity, compassion, and collective effort. Buoyed by the support of BVM Ministry Partnership Grants, this collaboration has nurtured a relationship with the Achuar people, sparking hope for a future where harmony reigns. Reflecting on the unexpected impact, Sister Judy once remarked, “Whoever would have anticipated the importance of what the BVMs have been able to achieve?”
To learn more, visit: www.maketai.org.
This story was featured in:
SPRING 2024: BVMs on the Run Toward Justice
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