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Fourth Sunday of Advent: My Birth into the Whole Cosmic Body of the Universe

Cosmic Advent:
With Eyes and Heart on the Spiral

Advent is a time to rest, a time to reflect, and a time to wonder. We invite you to contemplate the vastness of the cosmos starting with the creation of the universe, spiraling to our solar system, to the birth of the Christ, and finally, to our role in the universe. Songs, psalms, and celestial celebration spiral together with prayer, prophesy, and proclamations of the Provider’s promises to inspire individual introspection.

We are born to be bright stars in this cosmic life—radiating love, beauty, goodness, unity and truth—the glory of God is to shine out in our lives.—Ilia Delio


This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Thank you so very much for the wonderful Advent posts. A real gift! Yes, we are all one … ❤️

  2. Thank you to all who were part of the Advent Prayer for the four Sundays. The gift of your creativity, time, variety of talents in producing these prayer experiences has been generously shared with all of us. I receive it with gratitude, realizing that it enriches my own experience of beauty in word, music, images.

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