We remain committed to providing Roberta Kuhn Center offerings to those seeking enrichment and community who are 55 or greater. We are planning a fall semester and hope to offer most classes in-person provided the guidance from our administrators and federal, state and local recommendations indicate that this is a safe option . There will be some Zoom format options as well. At the beginning of September, we will communicate what precautions will be taken to ensure the health and safety of all involved.
A brochure with the fall offerings will be posted when the paper copy is mailed to those on our mailing list.
Visit our website at www.bvmsisters.org or www.facebook.com/bvmsisters.org to stay informed. Please join us in praying for all those affected by the COVID-19 virus.
Since 1982, the Roberta Kuhn Center (RKC) at Mount Carmel in Dubuque, Iowa, has been a gathering place that provides enrichment and socialization for women and men 55 years of age or over. This opportunity for older adults is a thank you to the citizens of the city and the surrounding area and fills a need in our community.
Our goals are:
- to create a warm, loving atmosphere in which all senior citizens of Dubuque and the surrounding area feel welcome;
- to provide enrichment to stimulate the mind, body, and spirit; and
- to strengthen attitudes that growing older means growing better.
Instructors & Courses
Our volunteer instructors include BVM sisters, other women religious, and many lay women and men. They bring their professional experiences in the fields of education, the arts, and healthcare and wellness to our classrooms.
Class offerings include a variety of subjects—from popular wellness options to hands-on art classes—as well as history, foreign languages, creative writing, and poetry.

RKC’s namesake, Roberta Kuhn, BVM (Alberto) was president of the BVM congregation from 1967–72. She was a remarkable woman for a remarkable time. The congregation, founded in Philadelphia in 1833, moved to Dubuque in 1843 and anticipated its 150th Jubilee celebration with the establishment of the RKC in 1982. BVMs have ministered in the Dubuque area since 1843, providing and promoting all levels of education, from young children in Montessori school to retirees in the RKC.
Contact Us
For more information or to join our registration
brochure mailing list, contact:
Roberta Kuhn Center, Sisters of Charity, BVM
1100 Carmel Drive, Dubuque, Iowa 52003-7991
563-582-4155 | robertakuhncenter@bvmsisters.org