Holy Week: A Potential Oasis for Stillness, Focus, and Hope

In a chaotic time surrounding an election, health fears, and technology overload, I pause and reflect about a simple group of believers and family who experienced the same.
A messenger of justice, freedom, and charity, Jesus chose to die knowing his suffering and that of those he loved would be publicly exposed. As remembrance of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection nears, I consider Holy Week’s significance as modeling.
As a child, I cherished Holy Week Stations of the Cross my parents encouraged us to attend. Standing, kneeling, praying at each station was a moment for meditation and reflection. Every beautifully carved station portrayed another stage of what Jesus, his family, and followers witnessed. Beyond that, our family eagerly anticipated Easter Sunday. The church decorations, the halleluiah choruses, and the hope of spring swept over me!
Considering the crucifixion scenario as an adult, I wonder . . . how did they all endure? As a mother, how did Mary watch? How did she survive? How could she grieve such a cruel, unjust loss? Her only child was being tortured and killed. As followers who had given up their homes, how could they not jump in protest?
The reason was only because Jesus chose to be crucified for our sins. Even in his dying moments, he forgave.
Guiding my future, I anticipate Holy Week as a time for stillness, contemplation, and hope, dwelling in all the week’s lessons. As those suffered viewing, I can support and sustain as those I love experience physical, emotional, and spiritual pain.
I will experience suffering; I will forgive, and I will rise. I pray the same oasis of calm, lessons, and hope for you.
Thank you, Diane. A beautiful reflection on these days before us. Happy Easter!
Diane, I appreciate your reflection. This week I am more aware of the suffering Mary experienced watching her Son being crucified and dying. Easter Blessings, Jean
Thank you Diane, for your beautiful reflection.
Your questions have often been my questions, Diane i.e., the wonder of how those who loved Jesus could endure and how Jesus endured —-for us.
Thank you for your reflection.
Joy to you this Easter…despite the sadness we all are enduring.
Thank you for your profound reflection during these holy days. A blessed Easter to you!