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Karen Conover Recognized with Education Award

  • BVM Sisters

Karen Conover, BVM was presented with the Durocher Award on Oct. 9 at Holy Names HS for young women in Oakland, Calif., where she taught chemistry for 20 years.

DeJuana Aldrich, Holy Names HS science department chair, introduced Karen to guests at the school’s “Fund Her Future” event, where Karen received her award.

The award is the school’s highest honor, and is “bestowed in eternal recognition of an outstanding individual.” Holy Names HS Principal Constance Hubbard said, “Sister Karen . . . we extend our sincere appreciation for your outstanding service and unselfish support and dedication to the concepts of a quality secondary education as exemplified by Holy Names HS.”

Karen, who was the speaker at the event, shared: “The Durocher Award is named for Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, whose feast day we have just marked this past Tuesday. This 19th century woman believed in the potential of women and their capacity to learn, grow and contribute to God’s work in this world. In her name, I join with you as we honor all past, present and future Holy Names HS women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics . . . It is for them that we are all here this evening.”

Holy Names HS is a small Catholic school for young women that provides an academically challenging college preparatory education to a diverse community of students, the majority of whom are on some form of financial aid.

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