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Laudato Si’ Week: Discover God in all Things

Praise be the Divine Spirit, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with flowers and herbs.”  

This verse, taken from the Canticle of the Creatures, translates into Laudato Sí and reflects the beauty of God’s creation.

It invites us to live more deeply the BVM directional statement of “living more profoundly into the mystery of God, and living more consciously our interconnectedness with all of creation.”  It also beckons me to “to seek conversation with and listen deeply to people with divergent perspectives, cultures, and experiences.”  It recognizes the interrelationships of all peoples and creation, as cited in the Laudato Sí Action Platform.

I believe it is no coincidence that the United Nations World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development on May 21 correlates with the Laudato Sí week-long celebration, May 22–29. This correlation reflects Ecological Spirituality, which helps us “discover God in all things,” both in the beauty of creation and in those who hold divergent perspectives and experiences from mine.

I invite you to take some time this week, to simply be with a creature or a person that is unknown to you.  Listen to their chirp, meow, buzz, or voice.  Simply observe their beauty. Simply be with them. Simply enjoy the time together and thank the Divine Spirit.

To learn more about Laudato Sí week, visit:

Visit our Care for Our Common Earth Home learn how BVMs are living out Laudato Sí.

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