Mary Adele Henneberry, BVM

Sister Mary Adele Henneberry, BVM, 92, died Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019, at Marian Hall, Dubuque, Iowa.
Visitation, Sharing of Memories, and Mass of Christian burial were Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019, in the Marian Hall Chapel. Burial was in the Mount Carmel cemetery.
Sister Mary Adele was born on Aug. 21, 1927, in Chicago to John Joseph and Catherine Duffy Henneberry. She entered the BVM congregation Sept. 8, 1945, from St. Ita Parish, Chicago. She professed first vows on March 19, 1948, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1953.
Sister Mary Adele served as congregational vice president, Motherhouse administrator, and liturgical music minister at Mount Carmel in Dubuque. She was a music and/or elementary teacher at Corpus Christi, Fort Dodge, Iowa; Sacred Heart, Boone, Iowa; St. Callistus and The Immaculata HS, Chicago; St. Gilbert, Grayslake, Ill.; and Our Lady of Loretto, Hempstead, N.Y. She ministered as executive director of an elderly interfaith program in Milwaukee and assistant manager at a senior living complex in Santa Rosa, Calif.
She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers Patrick and John Henneberry; and brother-in-law V. Robert Payant. She is survived by a sister, Virginia Payant, Milwaukee; a sister-in-law, Nancy Henneberry, Normal, Ill.; nieces and nephews; and the Sisters of Charity, BVM, with whom she shared life for 74 years.
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I have been married to Sister Adele’s nephew, Tom for 28 years and from the first time i met Sister Adele i felt welcome! I fondly recall her lovely voice and manner and her wonderful hugs. May her memory be a blessing.
A class lady. Lived her faith. My family was blessed by knowing her.
Personal note: I saw Frank Sinatra with her.
Love to all the BVMs who supported her.
Sister Adele taught at Immaculata when I was there. She was always welcoming and smiling when I would see her up in Dubuque. May she rest in Peace.
Loved her. She was a woman of deep faith and a mentor to me as I served as president of The Immaculata Alumnae Association. Her guidance and encouragement is always remembered.
I am married to Sister Adele’s nephew, Scott. Sister Adele blessed our marriage by singing The Lord’s Prayer at our wedding. She drove many hours, alone, once, from Dubuque, to visit us in North Carolina after the birth of our first daughter. What a joy it was to visit with her on many occasions throughout the years. She was loved and will be truly missed.
Sister Adele taught me piano lessons for several years when she was at Our Lady of Loretto, on Long Island. We stayed in touch for many many years. I will never forget her warmth and caring nature. Her smile, her hugs, and her encouragement will always be remembered. She was like a second mother to me. Rest In Peace Dear Friend.
SM Adele was my kindergarten teacher at St. Gilbert’s in ‘56. She shaped and formed me in my love for God and so modeled the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. My mom and I visited her in’85 in Dubuque and were welcomed and shown such great hospitality (including gin and tonics.)
I never loved a teacher more than Adele.