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Mary I. Griffin Scholarship Recipient: Mariana Duque Salazar

  • Kari Litscher

Mariana Duque Salazar

For Mary I. Griffin Scholarship recipient Mariana Duque Salazar, continuing her academic and professional goals have been a dream come true. Her values for education and ministry were acquired from her time with BVMs as a student and as a professional serving at the Working Boys’ Center—A Family of Families (WBC) in Quito, Ecuador—where BVMs have served as teachers, administrators, and volunteers for more than 50 years. The center offers children and adults social service programs for empowerment and education.

Mariana’s mother participated in the adult education program at the Working Boys’ Center, which gave Mariana a sense of pride and happiness . . . and a desire to follow in her footsteps. “Seeing her dedication to learning and participating in classes after long, tiring days of work showed me the meaning of valor.” Mariana says that watching her mother learn to read and write in order to provide a more dignified life for her and her six brothers inspired her to be an educator.

During her years of study, Mariana participated in a volunteer group to accompany families, especially children and youth, in their educational process. When COVID-19 struck, the program went virtual. Mariana quickly utilized her digital educational resources and talents, which benefitted many families.

With the help of her first Mary I. Griffin Scholarship, Mariana earned her master’s degree in Innovation in Education from the Jesuit Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. She hopes that this “victory,” as she calls it, will inspire others to overcome obstacles. Mariana is the first member of her family to achieve this level of education and professional development.

Her master’s project focused on innovative methodologies which generate more dynamic alternatives in teaching mathematics. She states, “In Ecuador, NINEVAL (the evaluation agency) finds that there is a significant deficit at all levels in this area.” For that reason, her project proposed processes that are more integral and reflexive, and less mechanical, promoting values that can transform the students for life.

Mariana’s tutor and president of the evaluating tribunal, Victoria Palacio, says, “The Catholic University of Ecuador is pleased to have students like Mariana Duque . . . a person I have known for some time, with whom I have been able to share Ignatian formation, and who I have come to see as a woman with great potential for leadership, committed to the total education of the person, with an innovative vision.”

With the help of her second Mary I. Griffin Scholarship, Mariana is pursuing another master’s degree—in cultural anthropology. She dreams of opening an education center focused on the values of solidarity, justice, service, and love . . . values she learned from the BVM community in Ecuador. Her project will concentrate on preparing others for responsible leadership in the field of education.

Mariana says, “I will always be grateful for the help and charisma of the BVM community. I feel deep gratitude to Madre Miguel Conway, BVM, who not only sponsored me for the Mary I. Griffin Scholarship, but, above all, has been the person closest to me in my life. Since my childhood, she has guided me and my family in forming values. Her example of perseverance, commitment, and love have been a constant inspiration.”

Madre shares, “I have known Mariana since she was a child . . .  she has my highest recommendation. She is a credit to all of us who invest in her. Most especially, her service to the poor and neglected is her hallmark.”

About the author: Kari Litscher is a communications specialist for the Sisters of Charity, BVM in Dubuque, Iowa.

This story was featured in:

SUMMER 2022: Freed by Love: Acting for Justice

In this issue of Salt, we share how the BVMs continue to fight for causes at the Heart of BVM, such as access to affordable healthcare, protecting whistleblowers, leaving behind a healthy planet, and fighting for justice with the National Farm Worker Ministry (NFWM).

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