More Than a Meal: Servers and Diners Feel Nourished

BVMs Roberta White (l.) and Donard Collins prepare for diners at St. Patrick Church in Dubuque, Iowa.

More than three dozen BVMs and associates helped with a meal at St. Patrick Church in Dubuque, Iowa, on Wednesday evening.
About 120 people enjoyed the meal, but the helpers also felt nourished.
“It’s an opportunity to really share what it is to give back when we have so much,” says Carol Marie Baum, BVM. “It’s wonderful meeting the adults as well as the children. They are so grateful for anything that is given to them. It’s just a joy to connect. It’s a gift.”
As people went through the serving line, she was able not only to put food on their plates, but talk a little bit with each person.
St. Pats provided fried chicken and mashed potatoes, and BVMs brought salads and dessert. BVMs assist twice a year at the meal, which includes hearty food and conversation.
It was the first time Betty Voss, BVM, who just moved to Dubuque in March, helped at the meal.
“It was one more opportunity to be of some help, but more importantly, become acquainted and grow in appreciation for the people here in town, especially the needy,” Betty says.
Sisters and associates also gave a $300 donation for use as the church sees fit.
(At right) BVMs Carol Marie Baum (l.), Mary McCauley, and LaDonna Manternach helped serve 120 people Wednesday at St. Patrick Church.