Sister Clarenita Froehlich, BVM

Sister Clarenita Froehlich, BVM died Monday, April 13, 2020, at Marian Hall in Dubuque, Iowa.
Virtual Visitation and Funeral Rite of Committal were held Friday, April 17, 2020, in the Marian Hall Chapel. Sharing of Memories was held June 23.
Sister Clarenita ministered as an elementary principal at St. Michael in Sioux City, Iowa; Sacred Heart in Boone, Iowa; St. Bridget in Omaha, Neb.; and St. John-St. Andrew in Melrose, Minn. She also served as an elementary teacher at Sacred Heart in Boone, Iowa; St. John in Des Moines, Iowa; St. Vincent de Paul in Chicago; St. Brendan in Los Angeles; and Holy Redeemer in Montrose, Calif.
She was born July 18, 1934, in Chicago to Fred and Myrtle Quade Froehlich. She entered the BVM congregation on Sept. 8, 1952, from Holy Redeemer Parish, Montrose, Calif. She professed first vows on March 19, 1955, and final vows on July 16, 1960.
She was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by the Sisters of Charity, BVM, with whom she shared life for 67 years.
Memorials may be given to Sisters of Charity, BVM Support Fund, 1100 Carmel Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003 or online at
Froehlich Clarenita eulogy Clarenita Froehlich Sharing of Memories
Words are never enough when it comes to sharing your thoughts about someone as wonderful as Sister Clarenita. Sister was one of a kind. A true Angel on earth who dedicated each and every day to her Lord for whom she was his humble servant. She was so beloved and respected from everyone – a true patriarch of our Faith.
She helped each of us to become better people in life without us even knowing this – as she had the ability to always bring out the best in each one of us. I feel so blessed to have worked with her through St. Michael’s school board as well as having children at St. Michael’s school. Our family adored her. She provided comfort, wisdom and leadership to all of us – at times when we needed this. I say this with some heartache here for all of us —when I say that I do not know if anyone will ever meet someone so pure of spirit and love for all people. Sister I will keep you in our prayers each day and know that you are happy now – serving our Lord in yet another capacity now. God bless you and much love to you, Jerry, Deb, Kirk & Kate Poss
Sister Mary Clarenita was our 7th and 8th grade teacher at Holy Redeemer School in Montrose…she was the most kind and wonderful nun and teacher. Her heart and soul were full of goodness and she was the best teacher I had throughout my school years. Sister was so open to conversation with us coming of age…she also enjoyed listening to Beatles songs with us. It was such a surprise when she attended our 25th year graduation reunion! It was so good to see her. I will remember her always…what a treasure she was to the children she taught and to this world.
Sister Clarenita was such a special person! She was my principal in Sioux City, IA at St. Michael’s Catholic School from 1987 to 1997. When my mother passed away a year and a half ago, it was such a sweet surprise to see Sister Clarenita and Sister Rosemunda at the service. I’ll never forget that act of love and support they showed us so many years later. Eternal rest grant unto her, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.
Sr. Claranita was always a joy, I thought of her much like saint. As a life long friend of Sr. Rosemunda she became a part of the Besch family. I don’t think she had any ideas what she was in for. Sr. Clarenita an only child and Sr. Rosemunda one of a very large family.
The Besch family are not a quiet lot and they definitely have an opinion on every subject they are always willing to share if you’re willing to listen. And when they play cards which is a regular event it’s Third World War but she took it all in stride and was always a voice of reason in a very noisy place. Hence sainthood!
I as Sr Rosemunda’s niece always really enjoyed Sr Clarenita and the way she was so gentle and kind, and I admired her and Sr. Rosemunda’s life long friendship. She will be missed by all of us but we will think happy thoughts when we think of her ❤️
I knew Sister Clarenita since I was about 11 years old. She taught CCD at our little parish church Cristo Rey in Los Angeles. My sister Linda and Claire would spend Saturdays at LA General Hospital visiting patients asking if they wanted to attend mass and receive the Eucharist the next day. They were then students at Holy Family High School. Her parents were family friends and very kind to us.
Years later we enjoyed a visit from her (along with my sister Linda) when we lived in Northern California. It was such a treat to see her and enjoyed a wonderful time with her. We took her to see “Joseph of the wonderful colorful coats.” What fun! She is home now! Alleluia
I came to teach at St. Michael’s school in Sioux City the same year that Sr. Clarenita took the principal’s position. What a blessing for me! She was a kind, gentle leader. She always gave positive guidance. I will treasure the memory of her friendship forever. Rest In Peace dear Sister.
Sister Clarenita was an amazing person. I met her in third grade when I transferred into St. Michael’s School in Sioux City, IA. She was welcoming and just one of those people that could touch your life with her kindness. I counted on that kind smile on the rough days and her always being there as a sounding board if I needed to discuss things throughout school. I counted on it so much in fact that I asked her to be my confirmation sponsor when the time came. She was there when we lost my father to extend her sympathies and check on the family. She was there when I got married to extend her congratulations and celebrate with us. She’s been there through so much of my life’s milestones she will be greatly missed in person, but I know she is an angel watching over all she cared over and serving in a new role up in heaven.
Sister Clarenita was the epitome of what a principal and teacher should be. St. Michael School was top notch thanks to her leadership. She guided a wonderful faculty. I had the good fortune of staying in touch with Sister Rosemunda and Sister Clarenita since they retired. What kind and beautiful servants. Rest In Peace Sister Clarenita. I am so blessed to have known you🙏🏻
Sr. Clarenita was a living saint. She was so kind and caring to everyone who had the pleasure of knowing her. She will be greatly missed. To know her was such a blessing. She was there many times for our family and we will never forget her.
Sister we will miss you so much – A loss to all of us left on earth and a gain to have an angel like you in heaven. Sister was the principal at St. Mike’s when we moved to Sioux City in 1991. She made our family feel so comfortable and welcome. She immediately knew the area in Minnesota where we came from because she served in Melrose which was about 30 miles from the area we moved from, so we felt that we had known her for a long time. I’ll never forget her soft soft voice and unbelievable mild manner. RIP Sister!
I have been married to Sister Rosemunda’s nephew John Hamm for 37 years and sister was in this family long before myself. She was always like another aunt. Such a blessing to have known. Rest in peace.