Sister Ellen (Rose Evelyn) Morseth, BVM

Sister Ellen (Rose Evelyn) Morseth, BVM died at North Kansas City Hospice in Kansas City, Mo. She was 78.
Sharing of Memories, Virtual Visitation and Funeral services were Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020. Burial is in the Mount Carmel Cemetery.
She was born Sept. 3, 1942, in Seattle, Wash., to Louis J. and Evelyn (Bulmer) Morseth. She entered the BVM congregation July 31, 1962, from St. John Parish, Seattle. She professed first vows on Feb. 2. 1965, and final vows on Jan. 25, 1970.
Sister Ellen ministered as an elementary teacher and assistant principal in San Francisco. She was a parish minister in Fairview, Mont., and a pastoral administrator in Big Timber, Mont. She served as coordinator of leadership development at the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Center for Pastoral Life and Ministry. She was a religious leadership consultant and mentor in Kansas City, Mo. She also served as secretary to the president of the BVM Congregation.
She was preceded in death by her parents and a brother Louis James Morseth. She is survived by cousins and the Sisters of Charity, BVM, with whom she shared life for 58 years.
Memorials may be given to Sisters of Charity, BVM Support Fund, 1100 Carmel Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003 or make an online gift.
Watch Memorial Mass and Sharing of Memories Download Eulogy Download Sharing of Memories
Ellen was the big sister I always wanted. We entered together on July 31, 1962, along with so many wonderful young women who were part of our set.
I had a chance to know Ellen better when we were assigned to clean the Marian Hall chapel together as junior novices. Ellen saw the amusing side of so much we encountered on our walk over from the Motherhouse and back, as well as while we worked.
She always knew exactly who she was and was comfortable being that. I have admired Ellen’s poise and tact, and also her gentle humor. She was the one I wanted to be when I grew up.
So sorry to read of Ellen’s passing. She was the principal at St Paul’s Non-Graded Primary in San Francisco, my first and only mission 1968-69. I spoke with her briefly at the Gathering in 2019. Godspeed, Ellen.
Rest In Love , Ellen… may your gifts shared during your life here on earth be reflected in your joy in Heaven.