Sister Genevieve M. (Leonine) Freund, BVM

Sister Genevieve M. (Leonine) Freund, BVM, 88, of Mount Carmel Bluffs – Gables, 1160 Carmel Dr., Dubuque, Iowa, died Friday, Sept. 30, 2022.
Visitation, the Sharing of Memories and Mass of Christian Burial were on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022. Burial was in the Mount Carmel cemetery.
Sister Genevieve was born on March 18, 1934, in Davenport, Iowa, to Leo and Marie (Meyer) Freund. She entered the BVM congregation on Sept. 8, 1952, from St. Mary Parish, Davenport, Iowa. She professed first vows on March 19, 1955, and final vows on July 16, 1960.
Sister Genevieve was an elementary and music teacher at St. Patrick in Cedar Falls, Iowa; Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Chattanooga, Tenn.; and St. Paul in Davenport, Iowa, where she also served as vice-principal, liturgical coordinator, parish minister and pastoral associate; and an elementary teacher at Our Lady of Angels Academy in Clinton, Iowa.
“’I have tried to love and have compassion and concern for others,” Gen shared. “I pray that there will be at least one person that will say on my behalf that if I had not lived, [his or her] life would have been poorer.’. . . In her meekness, Gen accepted God’s will for her life. She recognized her spiritual poverty, her need for God. Her prayer life strengthened her to mourn with those who mourned, to show mercy to those in need of mercy, to be clean of heart in caring more about the needs of others than her own.” (Eulogy).
She was preceded in death by her parents and a sister Mary (Lawrence) Cronkleton. She is survived by two nephews and the Sisters of Charity, BVM, with whom she shared life for 70 years.
Memorials may be given to Sisters of Charity, 1100 Carmel Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003 or online at
Watch Memorial Mass and Sharing of Memories Download Eulogy Download Sharing of Memories
Sister Gen was an exemplary religious, and outstanding educator, and pastoral associate, and a dear friend to me, my mother, and our entire family. She and Sister M. Stasia were fixtures at St. Paul’s-Davenport, Iowa and served in multiple ways in the parish and in the school. I shall remember our shared love of dogs and times of sharing on a wide range of issues and topics facing church and society. Gen and Stasia generously extended hospitality on my visits home, and I recall with joy their visit to my home in Louisville. Rest in peace, Gen.
Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your servant Gen, a sheep of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming. Receive her into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints of light.
I’m sadden to see how late I found this obituary. As I near the end of my own teaching career, I find myself reflecting on the educators who impacted me the most, and Sr. Gen certainly ranks high. Her love of God and music as well as her gentle kindness made a difficult time in my life so much better. Her encouraging words and strong faith have followed me throughout my life and I know, without a doubt, that had she not lived, I most certainly would be worse off. Rest, good and faithful servant.