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Helen (St. George) Thompson, BVM

Sister Helen (St. George) Thompson, BVM died Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018, at Marian Hall in Dubuque, Iowa.

Visitation, Sharing of Memories, and Mass of Christian Burial were Monday, Sept. 10, 2018. Burial was in the Mount Carmel Cemetery.

Sister Helen was an academic dean at Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa.  She taught in elementary schools in Chicago and San José, Calif., and colleges in Chicago and Santa Clara, Calif., where she also worked as an organizational consultant.

She was born on Jan. 19, 1933, in San Francisco to Howard and Gertrude Riordan Thompson. She entered the BVM congregation Feb. 2, 1951, from St. Brendan Parish, San Francisco. She professed first vows on Aug. 15, 1953, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1958.

“Helen lived her adult life as a wisdom seeker. ‘I spent a lot of time wandering in deserts – beautiful ones like Sedona and Death Valley, desolate places like Spirit Lake after Mount St. Helens erupted, and mostly in the desert places of my own soul . . . I am grateful for all that has been; the first half for learning all the things I needed to transform, and for the happiness, I’ve known during the second half.’” (Eulogy, Marian Hall Chapel, Sept. 10, 2018).

She was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by a brother George and a nephew Robert (Susan); and the Sisters of Charity, BVM, with whom she shared life for 67 years.

Memorials may be given to Sisters of Charity, BVM Support Fund, 1100 Carmel Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003 or make an online gift.

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This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. I had the pleasure of having Sister St. George as my 6th grade teacher at St. Gertrude’s School on the north side of Chicago. The whole class thought she was so cool as she wore “penny loafers” not the normal shoes for a nun in our era. She was also a good role model for young girls. Thank you Sister for being a nun who made me look forward to going to school.

    Rest peacefully in God’s loving arms,

    Kathleen Stanton Kwilas -Class of 1957 St. Gertrude’s

  2. During my academic career and my 20+/- years as a BVM, I learned many lessons from BVM sisters, young and old. Sr. Helen stands out as one whose intercession in my life was quick and certain. While other wonderful sisters worked patiently with me, Sr. Helen’s effect on my life was like a two-edged sword–and had lasting consequences on me as a person. Spirit brought me to the BVM website this evening to roam around and find that this wonderful person had passed. I know Sr. Helen is enjoying the opportunities of continued learning and growing in her new life beyond.

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