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Sisters Keep Body and Soul Together With Exercise

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Rachael Stieber-Smith, fitness director at Mount Carmel in Dubuque, Iowa, moved Strength and Stretch classes from in-person to on closed circuit television due to coronavirus. 

When Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary couldn’t gather for fitness classes due to the coronavirus, classes came to them by closed circuit television.

“I couldn’t let the sisters go for weeks or months without some sort of physical activity,” says Rachael Stieber-Smith, fitness director at Mount Carmel in Dubuque, Iowa. “We had to find a way to do it fast. When we heard we couldn’t gather in large groups any more, we thought closed circuit might be an option.”

So every morning and every afternoon, Rachael leads Strength and Stretch and Advanced Strength and Stretch classes from her now-empty studio.

“I’ve heard the sisters are loving it,” Rachael says.

Some sisters who didn’t previously attend the fitness classes in person have now discovered the benefits.

Those who faithfully attended the classes are glad to continue even without the company of fellow sisters.

“It’s something to look forward to,” says Catherine (Roselani) Ornellas, BVM. “It keeps you limber. It keeps you going.”



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