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Intercongregational Justice Initiatives
BVMs are engaged in works of justice, peace and charity with these organizations:

Catholic Sisters for a Healthy Earth combines representatives from congregations of women religious from the upper Mississippi Valley in eastern Iowa and southwestern Wisconsin. Respecting the interdependence of creation, they promote eco-literacy and influence a just relationship with the environment. To that end, they have created an “Earth as Our Home” reflection booklet that looks at the various rooms of a house, placing each room and its activities into the broader context of our Earth-home. Simple actions for families are suggested for living more sustainability and walking more gently on Earth. Download a free copy.

Crossing Borders – Dubuque, is comprised of concerned citizens, organizations, and religious who work to raise awareness of injustices experienced by immigrants and advocates on their behalf.

Dubuque Area Congregations United (DACU), Dubuque, Iowa, is a collaboration of leaders from diverse religious communities across Dubuque that share fellowship and common outreaches in the city. It provides opportunities for interfaith support, dialogue, and shared witness and mission.

Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center (IPJC), Seattle, acts for justice in the church and in the world. IPJC is sponsored by religious communities and collaborates with Catholic, ecumenical, interfaith, and other organizations to build community and create change for the common good.

Intercongregational Addictions Program of Education and Intervention (ICAP), River Forest, Ill., is an outreach service for Catholic Sisters assisting them in initiating help and sustaining recovery for their chemically dependent members.

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), New York, pioneered the use of shareholder advocacy to press companies on environmental, social, and governance issues. Members of ICCR engage management to identify and mitigate social and environmental risks resulting from corporate operations and policies. ICCR is committed to moving the current business focus away from achieving short-term returns and toward sustainable strategies that advance the common good.

Loretto at the UN, New York, is an NGO (non-governmental organization) accredited with consultative status at the United Nations allowing them to advocate on the international level for the issues and values of concern to the Loretto Community by leveraging the insight and voices of those working at the grassroots level.

National Farmworker Ministry (NFWM) Raleigh, N.C., is a faith-based organization committed to justice for and empowerment of farm workers. NFWM educates, equips, and mobilizes member organizations and other faith communities, groups, and individuals to support farm worker led efforts to improve their living and working conditions. Learn more:

NETWORK Lobby for Social Justice Washington, D.C., is a Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace that educates, organizes, and lobbies for economic and social transformation. Founded by Catholic sisters in the progressive spirit of Vatican II, NETWORK works to create a society that promotes justice and the dignity of all in the shared abundance of God’s creation.

Project IRENE (Illinois Religious Engaging in Nonviolent Endeavors) is an initiative of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) in Illinois. It promotes the welfare and empowerment of children and women by education and action, especially in the state legislative arena. They seek to make the cry of wounded children and women known, and impact systemic change.

Tri-State Coalition on Human Trafficking (Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois) is a collaborative, faith-based network that engages in education and advocacy in an effort to eradicate human trafficking and spread awareness of this modern day slavery.

U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking is a collaborative, faith-based national network that offers education, supports access to survivor services, and engages in advocacy in an effort to eradicate modern-day slavery. They envision a world without slavery with a network of services and resources to inform the public, prevent the crime, and assist survivors to achieve a fulfilling life.

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