2024–2025 Goal: Ecological Education
With a raise of hands, the 2024 Congregational Assembly affirmed the congregation’s commitment to focus on Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) Goal: Ecological Education. Assembly attendees were asked the following questions:
- What are your main concerns about the environment?
- What are the most helpful ways for you to learn?
Climate change was the leading concern expressed by the congregation. The preferred ways to learn were informed, focused discussion with flexible delivery and participation options. Your feedback informed 2024–2025 programming decisions to promote and support the online conference: Envisioning a Livable Future.
Ecological Education is about re-thinking and re-designing curricular and institutional reform in the spirit of integral ecology in order to foster ecological awareness and transformative action. Actions could include ensuring equitable access to education for all and promoting human rights, fostering Laudato Si’ themes within the community, encouraging ecological leadership (students, teachers), and ecological restoration activities.
Previous LSAP Goals and BVM Assessments:
2023–2024 Summary: Year 2 Focus: Response to the Cry of the Earth