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The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary are again participating in Birdies for Charity and invite you to “chip in” your support! Birdies for Charity, an area-wide fundraiser held in conjunction with the John Deere Classic PGA Golf Tournament, is scheduled for July 5–9, in Silvis, Illinois. We are blessed and grateful for the generosity of friends like you who so often contribute to this activity.

The BVM area of focus for 2023 is to install a fully equipped kitchen adjacent to St. Joseph Hall at the Motherhouse in Dubuque, Iowa. This large meeting space is utilized on a regular basis by the sisters for educational and informational meetings, funeral dinners, jubilee celebrations, social gatherings, and various other group activities. Presently there are no kitchen facilities near St. Joseph Hall. When meals or refreshments are served, they must be prepared and transported from another area on campus or delivered by a caterer. A kitchen would also make it easier to prepare for events and clean up after.

Participating is easy. Simply visit:
to make your online donation
by June 16, 2023.

Select Sisters of Charity, BVM or Bird #1150 from the drop down menu.

When you make a donation to Birdies for Charity, you are eligible to win prizes and we will receive bonus funds. The BVMs will receive every single penny of your donation, plus a bonus of at least five percent from Birdies for Charity. All administrative costs are paid by John Deere as the sponsor, so this is a great win-win opportunity!

If you have questions, please call the Office of Development (563) 585-2854 or email Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to support Sisters of Charity, BVM.

Last year’s Birdies for Charity funds were designated for the purchase of a golf cart to transport sisters from their residences at Mount Carmel Bluffs in Dubuque, Iowa, to the nearby BVM cemetery and a utility vehicle to assist staff doing maintenance work in the cemetery.
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