Lenten Reflections: Good Friday 2017
Behold the Wood of the Cross
The Lord said to Abram: “Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1
Today was an action packed day. We headed out around 9 a.m. to take a tour of the city and see the Working Boys Center's first campus. First stop on our tour was at the National Basilica called Basilica del…
From bizarre anomalies in physics, to human beings living near the edge of survival... today was a day of extremes.
Sunday, February 19, 2017, started with the sun shining and Mass with all of the “family” who live at the Center.
Today we went to the market in Otavalo! It was a scenic three hour drive from where we are staying, and along the way we saw some amazing sights.
Our group was completed with Denise's arrival at around 4AM. Her flight had some difficulties, but Sister Annie was there to give her a warm Guayaquil welcome and a safe ride to the hotel.
Would you please consider taking a few minutes each day in praying for trafficking victims?
Let us all take this opportunity to join together in prayer for comprehensive immigration reform.