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Introducing Our Laudato Si’ Action Plan on Water Pollution


If you are reading this, congratulations, you are well on your way to meeting the first Water Challenge of learning more about year 2 of the BVM commitment to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform!

March Challenge:

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With a raise of hands, the 2023 Congregational Assembly affirmed the congregation’s commitment to focus on Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) Goal: Response to the Cry of Earth for 2023-2024. The Care for Earth committee thought today, March 22, World Water Day, would be a perfect opportunity to introduce our annual action plan.

Response to the Cry of Earth is such an expansive goal, the committee felt it would be helpful to focus efforts on a single environmental issue: Water Pollution.

To help provide learning and action opportunities, the Care for Earth committee will post monthly water reflections and challenges and has created a 10-week Roberta Kuhn Center course on the past, present, and future issues impacting water in Iowa. These courses will be presented by regional experts and available for fall 2024 registration.

To help support this action plan, the Care for Earth web page has been updated to reflect four important areas:

Our Commitment:
Review the BVM Congregational written commitment, video, and Laudato Si’ Statement.

Response to the Cry of the Earth:
Deepen your Understanding of the goal and review yearly summaries.

Water Reflections and Monthly Challenges:
The Challenge for March 2024 is to explore the website

Learn More:
Consider registering for a 10-week Learning to Action Course offered through the Roberta Kuhn Center.




Care for Earth Committee:
BVMs Rose Mary Meyer, Marguerite Murphy, Carol Ann Spiegel, and BVM Associates Lori Ritz and Pat Maddux

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