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The Mary Alma Sullivan, BVM Scholarship Established

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Mary Alma Sullivan, (l.) gathers with Ann Harrington; (back row, l.) Gabrielle Buckley, Carolyn Campion, BVM President LaDonna Manternach, and Judith Dewell, at the Motherhouse in Dubuque, Iowa, to celebrate the establishment of the Sister Mary Alma Sullivan, BVM Scholarship.

BVM Officers are delighted to announce that an endowed scholarship has been established by the congregation at the Gannon Center for Women and Leadership at Loyola University, Chicago. BVM President LaDonna Manternach shares, “We are happy to carry on the legacy of Mundelein College with this scholarship named for Mary Alma.”

The Gannon Center was established in 1991 when Mundelein College became affiliated with Loyola University. Its mission is to educate and foster women leaders to contribute to the development of a more just social order.

In honor of her vow of poverty, Mary Alma repurposed the gift for a scholarship which would assist women that need more assistance to complete a college degree at Loyola. Mary Alma taught at Mundelein—and then Loyola—from 1972 to 2006.

On Jan. 26, a small gathering was held with Mary Alma in the Motherhouse in Dubuque, Iowa, to celebrate the establishment of the Sister Mary Alma Sullivan, BVM Scholarship. In attendance was the originator of the gift, Carolyn Campion; Gabrielle Buckley, director of the Ann Ida Gannon, BVM Center for Women and Leadership; BVM President LaDonna Manternach, BVMs Ann (St. Remi) Harrington, and  Judith (John Marie) Dewell.

Carolyn shared, “I met Sister Mary Robert Emmett at Regina High School in Iowa City. We have known each other for 62 years . . . she is my oldest and longest-term friend.” Carolyn recalled her time in English and journalism classes with Mary Alma and found her to be fun, quick-witted, with a great sense of humor. “She was demanding and precise. The skills she taught me led me to have a great career in communications.”

One evening, while the two were working on the school yearbook, Carolyn asked, “Can you get out of this? You are so fun . . . are you sure you want to be a nun?” Mary Alma replied, “Now that you mention it, I’m taking my final vows this summer in Dubuque, and I’d like your family to come.”

“There were many times in those early days where I thought, ‘if Mary Alma can do it, I could do it.’ We stayed in touch through my college years and Mary Alma would continue to encourage me to join.” Mary Alma interjects jokingly, “Until I got to know you better.” The attendees shared in the laughter, stories, and photos of the adventures and memories that Carolyn and Mary Alma shared together.

“It’s an honor for me to be able to do this in your name. It is a legacy . . . you have spent your entire life in education and now this is something that will continue on in your name. It gives me great satisfaction to be able to offer to other young women the opportunity and experience that I have had. Hopefully, they will have a career that will stimulate their personal satisfaction and can contribute to their family as well. So, really, the circle is complete.”

Gabrielle, who had attended Mundelein during Mary Alma’s tenure and was taught by Ann Harrington, shares, “the primary role of the Gannon Center is to provide scholarships for young women who are going to be leaders in the world. Our recipients are active in the community and are greatly respected throughout the University.”

The Gannon Center for Women and Leadership offers both merit-based and supplemental scholarships. The Sister Mary Alma Sullivan, BVM Scholarship will be a supplemental need-based scholarship. Ten new students are invited to participate in the Gannon Scholars Program each year. Approximately 40 scholarships are given annually. Scholars are expected to participate in the program for the duration of their four years of undergraduate study. The average GPA of a Gannon Scholarship recipient is 3.93.

Gabrielle adds, “This gift will be a wonderful opportunity to support these brilliant women who are so committed to service and community. Thank you so much for making this a scholarship opportunity at the Gannon Center in order to continue the legacy of Sister Mary Alma and Mundelein College.”

With gratitude, Mary Alma says, “Education has always been primary in my life. I’m happy that the funds will be used to help women that feel the same way I do about the importance of education. I am glad that this scholarship will help them attain their B.A. level of studies.”

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