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Treasuring Earth Reflections


(Choose a volunteer to read)  The last day of December is a day traditionally set aside by the BVM Congregation for reflection and prayer.  Let us renew this tradition, individually or in a group, to reflect on the causes and moral dimensions of Earth injustices.   How might we cherish all of creation?  Our BVM elected leaders will be formalizing our commitment to developing a Laudato Si’ Action Platform January 1, 2022.  Each of us is being asked in this ritual to commit to one action to begin our participation in 2022.

Music:  Echoes of Nature, Ocean Waves (or other instrumental music of your choice)

Reading: BVM Commitment Statement  (Choose a volunteer to read)

Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We, together as BVM Sisters, Associates, and Circle of Friends are drawn by grace

into living more profoundly into the mystery of the Source of All
into living more consciously our interconnectedness with all of creation
into living more integrally our understanding of freedom
into living our Gospel values, humbly, boldly, and courageously.

We publicly commit to join the world community in responding to Pope Francis’ appeal to work together towards sustainability and integral ecology by developing a Laudato Si’ Action Plan.

This commitment marks our willingness:

To take up the “urgent appeal” of Laudato Si’ to listen and respond to the cry of Earth and the cry of the economically poor by making it a community priority;

To further our ongoing ecological conversion by bringing our members into greater understanding of their socio-ecological vocation within the spirit of our BVM charism;

To integrate each of the seven Laudato Si’ goals into our life and ministries by developing a process to transition to an integral ecology;

To take bold concrete actions in the spirit of Laudato Si’ to address the multiple crises afflicting our common home and all of creation;

To practice nonviolence, as we reconcile and heal the pain in creation and sow hope for peace.

This commitment is made in faith, hope, and love, knowing that we are participating in God’s ongoing work of transformation, “for we know that things can change” (LS 13).

Be alert! Be present! We are doing something new. (Is. 43:19)

Silent Reflection

Let us pray together:  Source of All, we ask that you continue to inspire us and strengthen us to carry through 2022 and beyond our commitment to Laudato Si’.

May we bring our vision to reality.  May we be strengthened to carry forth our commitment to creation with abundant sensitivity, courageous action, and joyful dedication.

Reading of Possible Actions
(Choose a volunteer to read the possible actions.  Pause after each response.

Fundamental human rights include the right to safe water, breathable air, wholesome food in a healthy environment.   (Source: CIEL Center for International Environmental Law)
All:  Creator of All, inspire our hearts with vision and courage to act for Earth justice.

An estimated 24% of all food in the United States is wasted.  At the same time, over 17 million Americans face food with insecurity. (Source:
All:  Source of All, inspire us to carefully plan and never waste food.

“Pursuit of climate justice is inextricable from the pursuit of racial justice.”  (Source: Earthbeat email)
All:  Creator of All, help us to understand the interconnectedness of life  in all its aspects.

Investments in renewable energy, just wages for all, fair trade purchases, using public transportation, when possible—all contribute to ecological economics.
All:  Source of All, inspire us to commit to raising our communal voice and action for Earth justice.

May we be open to the wisdom of indigenous peoples, economically challenged people, and all species who thrive as they “listen” to Earth.
All:  Creator of All, inspire us to deepen our understanding and appreciation of all species you have created through millennia, past and present and future.

All levels of government have the power to impact Earth justice.
All:  Source of All, inspire us to advocate at local, national, and international levels for care of earth.

Our liturgical celebrations are powerful, effective motivators for action.
All:  Creator of All, inspire us to celebrate your creativity and inclusivity in prayer and liturgical celebrations.

Incarnation has gifted us from the beginning of the Universes.  We are bringers of divinity and humanity through our very being and our actions.
All:  Source of All, inspire us to deepen the meaning of incarnation in our lives. 

Sharing Of Statements

Take a few moments to decide which statement especially touched your heart. To what action do you commit?  Then share your choice.  (If you are alone, share with a friend at another time.   


Let us pray together: Source of All, we ask that you continue to inspire and strengthen us to carry through 2022 and into the future our Laudato Si’ commitments.

May we bring our vision to reality.  May we be strengthened to carry forth our commitment to creation with abundant sensitivity, generous love, courageous action, and joyful dedication.  This we ask with confidence and joy, Source of All.  So be it.

Music  I Am With You, Always With you (CD),  Kathy Sherman, CSJ (music only) (Music with pictures)

Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief.
Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now.
You are not obligated to complete the work,
but neither are you free to abandon it.
—The Talmud

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