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BVM Blog - Walk With Us
We invite you to Walk With Us as BVM sisters and associates share their reflections on spirituality, our daily life, and the charism of the BVM community as expressed in our core values: freedom, education, charity and justice. We welcome you to share your comments, your reflections and your questions.

Eco Tip: Our Unfolding and Fluid Relationship with Water

by Luann Brown, BVM As I write this reflection, I am currently at Two Spiders Lodge in Hayward, Wis. It is my favorite place in…

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Entertaining Angels Unaware

Dr. Robert Schaefer, Fr. Jim Schaefer, Lisa Schaefer, Agnes "Dee-Dee" (Richard) Keena, BVM preparing to witness the eclipse of 2024. by Dee Dee Keena, BVM…

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Palm Sunday: God is Love

We have pondered this Lent how we might better love ourselves, our neighbor, and God. In my Lenten practice, I may have found myself needing…

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Fifth Sunday of Lent: Bridging Heaven and Earth

Last week we attempted to place ourselves in the space between heaven and earth, to love God by seeing life from God’s perspective, from God’s…

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First Sunday of Lent: Embracing the Healing Gaze of Jesus

On Ash Wednesday we reflected on the commandments to love God, neighbor, and self that Jesus gave us: “You shall love the Lord your God…

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Ash Wednesday: The beginning of our Lenten Journey

We invite you to join the BVM sisters, associates, and friends in this 2024 Lenten reflection. As many of you know, Mary Frances Clarke, the…

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