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BVM Blog - Walk With Us
We invite you to Walk With Us as BVM sisters and associates share their reflections on spirituality, our daily life, and the charism of the BVM community as expressed in our core values: freedom, education, charity and justice. We welcome you to share your comments, your reflections and your questions.

Women’s History Month: Who Are Your Unsung Heroines?

Heroic women! Theresa Rhea, Dolores Williams, Beverly Kelly, Carrie Miller are the names of four unsung heroines. These women are probably not familiar to you. They are…

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Fifth Sunday of Lent: Jesus Speaks the Power of the Cross

JESUS SPEAKS OF THE POWER OF THE CROSS GOSPEL Jn 12:20–33 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT I look at your cross, O Christ, and I read…

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Fourth Sunday of Lent: Jesus is Light in the World

JESUS IS LIGHT IN THE WORLD GOSPEL Jn 3:14–21 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT We walk by faith and not by sight. ” —Marty Haugen Find…

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Third Sunday of Lent: The Temple is Sacred

THE TEMPLE IS SACRED GOSPEL Jn 2:13–25 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Do you not know that you are a temple of God? ” 1 Corinthians…

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Second Sunday of Lent: The Transfiguration

THE TRANSFIGURATION GOSPEL MK 9:2–10 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT And the Lord said, ‘I am the Light, and the holder is your heart. ’” —Mechtild…

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Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion

I am excited about the election of Kamala Harris—an African American, Asian American woman and daughter of an immigrant—to serve as the United States Vice…

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