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BVM Blog - Walk With Us
We invite you to Walk With Us as BVM sisters and associates share their reflections on spirituality, our daily life, and the charism of the BVM community as expressed in our core values: freedom, education, charity and justice. We welcome you to share your comments, your reflections and your questions.

Third Sunday of Advent: Are You the One?

Photo: Social Ninja, If I were less artistically and technologically challenged, I would create a computer program that brings Isaiah 35:1-6 to life. The…

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Our Lady of Guadalupe Continues to Inspire Joy, Pride

We can learn much from the story of the Virgin of Guadalupe’s tender apparitions to humble, poor Juan Diego. But we can be enriched by…

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On Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Pray to Mary for National Unity

Painting by Roberta White, BVM On Dec. 8, 1868, co-founder of the BVM congregation, the Rev. Terence J. Donaghoe, had the happiness of celebrating Mass…

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Second Sunday of Advent: Hope Will Sustain Us, Especially in Tough Times

Advent is a time of hope . . . hope in the future, hope in the promises God has made to us. Advent reminds us…

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Thanksgiving: A Season of Gratitude, When All Families Should Be Together

As autumn arrives and the colored leaves float to the green grass below, one can enjoy the fall colors and Halloween trick-or-treaters. Usually. This year…

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First Sunday of Advent: ‘Watch’

[Jesus said] "What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’” Mark 13:37 “Watch.” This warning has been sounded in our ears many times…

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