We invite you to Walk With Us as BVM sisters and associates share their reflections on spirituality, our daily life, and the charism of the BVM community as expressed in our core values: freedom, education, charity and justice. We welcome you to share your comments, your reflections and your questions.
Visiting with Mary
Mary, on this blue-sky, sun-warmed spring weekend, I appreciate taking a walk with you. You know I need to make time for such refreshers. A…
Holy Saturday
An ancient homily for this day begins, Something strange is happening—there is a great silence on the earth today, a great silence and stillness. …
Good Friday
The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) under Joseph Kony terrorized the population of Northern Uganda for 22 years. “During this time, over 300,000 people have been…
Easter Sunday
In Christ’s resurrection the world arose. In Christ’s resurrection, the heavens arose, in Christ’s resurrection the earth itself arose.” (St. Ambrose, De excessu fractris sui,…
Holy Thursday
On October 24th, 1993, Marguerite (Maggie) Barankitse (b. 1957), a Tutsi, was working in the bishop’s compound in Ruyigi (Burundi). A mob armed with machetes…
Women’s History Month
Though Women’s History Month celebrates the often ignored accomplishments of women, it’s important to recognize all types of women achievement. If we’re not careful, by…