We invite you to Walk With Us as BVM sisters and associates share their reflections on spirituality, our daily life, and the charism of the BVM community as expressed in our core values: freedom, education, charity and justice. We welcome you to share your comments, your reflections and your questions.
Uneasy Gratitude
by Associate Sean Bradley, BVM Spiritual Care Minister I have never been anywhere where gratitude is so ingrained as at Mount Carmel Bluffs. The community…
Let Justice and Peace Flow: Season of Creation 2023
Come celebrate with us! You are invited to join the Dubuque Catholic Social Justice Network and the Dubuque Interfaith Green Coalition to reflect on our…
Join the Season of Creation 2023
by Bette Gambonini, BVM The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical…
Response to the Cry of the Earth
Beginning in October, BVMs will spend the next year embracing Goal #1: Response to the Cry of the Earth of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform…
Forgiveness: A Constant Attitude
Within the last week, a family member made a rude remark to me, someone cut me off in traffic, and I wasn’t as supportive of…
Reflection: Growth Takes Time
As we come into the final weeks of another winter season, I find myself imagining what is beginning to happen underneath the ground as Earth…