We invite you to Walk With Us as BVM sisters and associates share their reflections on spirituality, our daily life, and the charism of the BVM community as expressed in our core values: freedom, education, charity and justice. We welcome you to share your comments, your reflections and your questions.
Your Vote Counts
Vote on Election Day, November 8. Take action! Be informed! Speak out for Climate Change! For guides to what is happening in your area check…
Pondering: A Quiet Light in Every Heart
There is a quiet light that shines in every heart. It draws no attention to itself though it is always there . . . John…
The Letter: A Message for Our Earth
The documentary, “The Letter: A Message for Our Earth” had its premiere Oct. 4, at the Vatican. In two days, it was viewed more than…
October 4 is a GREAT DAY!!!!
We celebrate Mary Frances Clarke, the Foundress of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was a Franciscan Tertiary—a person who lives…
Season of Creation Prayer Service
Join BVMs, associates, circle of friends, and the world community in prayer to protect our common home during the Season of Creation, Sept. 1 –…
International Day of Peace
On the International Day of Peace, take action to promote peace as part of Campaign Nonviolence’s annual Days of Action: Tips for taking action on…