From Vista to Salt: Bridging the Communication Gap
Published in Salt magazine, September, 1974 by Teri Hadro, BVM and Rita Benz, BVM From VISTA of the fifties and sixties to SALT of the…
Gwen Farry, BVM Receives SGI’s 2024 Father Mike Crosby Award
The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary extend heartfelt congratulations to Gwen (Leontia) Farry, BVM., on being honored with the 2024 Fr. Mike…
Lasting Bonds: BVM Prayer Partners, Clarke Students
With Fall in the air and Clarke students returning, BVM sisters and their prayer partners enjoyed the first gathering of the year. It was a…
BVMs Sponsor Webinar on Urban Ecospirituality with Dr. Rachel Wheeler
The Franciscan Peace Center, in Clinton, Iowa, is hosting a special webinar titled “Faith in Transition: Engaging Francis' Life for an Urban Ecospirituality” on October…
Human Trafficking: A Crime Against Humanity
Founding members of the Tri-State Coalition Against Human Trafficking and Slavery: Front row: Sister Marie Barth, PBVM; Sister Irene Lukefahr, BVM; Sister Mira Mosle, BVM;…
Tri-State Network Presents: Dr. Erin Lothes, Environmental Advocate
The urgency of transitioning to renewable, peaceful energy sources has never been more pressing. To address this, the Sisters of Charity, BVM and the Tri-State…