Answering the Call to Synodality: Key Questions and Responses from BVMs and Associates
Graphic provided by Bay Area Conference of Associates and Religious You are with us, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. As You…
BVM Statement to the Synod in Rome
As women of the Church we are inspired and motivated by the vision and courage of Mary, the Mother of God, and of Mary Frances…
BVMs Welcome Six New Associates
Welcome and congratulations to six new associates for asking for and receiving the gift of association! Ann Hoefer We welcomed Ann Hoefer, from Dubuque, Iowa,…
Take Lord, Receive . . . Our Friend Lou Anglin, BVM
Lou Anglin, BVM (above) served as Vice President on the BVM Council from 2016 until her passing on May 29, 2022. As we have celebrated…
Carol Spiegel, BVM: Creating a Generation of Peacemakers
My journey has involved so much serendipity that it verges on a fantasy. It began in 1974 during an inmate-led tour of a medium-security prison…
Ministry Partnership Grant Recipient: St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School
In 2018 I became aware of St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School when former BVM Kathie Gedden (SM Joseph Catherine, Set of 1960) contacted me…