Statement: LCWR Grieves the Shooting in Colorado Springs
The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary join the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) in mourning the lives lost in the most…
BVM Annie Credidio, Damien House, Inc., Receives Opus Prize
Annie Credidio, founder of the Damien House in Guayaquil, Ecuador, received the prestigious $100,000 Opus Prize at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C…
BVM and OSF Sisters Attend Human Trafficking Conference
Mary Lechtenberg, OSF (l.), Irene Lukefahr, BVM; Dr. Kim Hilby, Diane Rapozo, BVM; Nancy Miller, OSF; and Gwen Farry, BVM attend the U.S. Catholic Sisters…
So You Think Your Vote Doesn’t Count . . .
Nov. 8 midterm elections are upon us. Who cares? Our elected officials don’t listen to us, they have their own agendas. Pollsters and the media …
Joan Fitzgerald, BVM, Celebrates 60 Years at Xavier College Preparatory
Photo by: Rick D’Elia This story was featured in: SUMMER 2022: Freed by Love: Acting for Justice In this issue of Salt, we…
Mary Gene (Antonilla) Kinney, BVM Receives Award
BVMs Letitia Close (l.) and Mary Gene Kinney (2008) Mary Gene (Antonilla) Kinney, BVM received the Sister Letitia Close Award at the 64th annual Detroit…