Laudato Si’ Week
What is Laudato Si' Week? It is a global event sponsored by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and promoted by the Laudato…
Living an Abundant and Full Life
“. . . I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” —John 10:10 Abundance or fullness of life . . . what…
Blessed to Be a Blessing: Ron Macdonald and Jerry Ganter, A Lifetime of Giving and Serving
Grateful hearts and a deep desire to serve others compel Ron MacDonald (l.) and Jerry Gantner to consistently remember the Sisters of Charity of the…
Please tune in to Netflix! You can contribute to this cause with two very simple actions: Watch the film on April 29th and over the weekend! The…
Donor Profile: Marian Wolters, A BVM Girl at Heart
Marian Wolters met the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an eighth grader in 1951 when Our Lady of Peace High School…
Earth Day is Every Day
Earth Day is Every Day Since April 22 is designated as a special remembrance and celebration of planet Earth, let us remember and give thanks…