BVMs Are Returning Home
As the Terrace Apartments at Mount Carmel Bluffs near completion and BVMs across the country and the world prepare to come home to Dubuque, Iowa,…
BVMs Join in Call on Congress to Cut Weapons and War Spending
Photo: Matthew Paul D'Agostino / The Sisters of Charity, BVM are one of 62 faith-based organizations who signed onto a letter sent to members…
BVM Joan Fitzgerald Honored With Medal From Pope Francis
Xavier junior, Jayne Jones and BVM Joan Fitzgerald. Photo credit: Lisa Zuba Pope Francis has awarded Sister Joan Fitzgerald, BVM, president of Xavier College Preparatory,…
The Leadership Teams of Local Women Religious Call for Support of Trans Youth
BVM Leadership has signed onto the statement from DignityUSA. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) website reports that transgender people face discrimination obtaining accurate identification…
Sr. Jean: ‘Wake Up with Purpose’ Memoir Released
BVM “Sister Jean” Dolores Schmidt’s memoir, Wake Up With Purpose! What I’ve Learned in My First Hundred Years was released by Harper Select on Feb…
Sisters of Charity, BVM Donations Help Launch Dubuque ReStore
BVMs Karen Conover (l.), Kate (Joseph Marie) Hendel, Carol Marie (Joseph Louis) Baum, Kathryn (John Laurian) Lawlor, Mira Mosle, Diane (Malia) Rapozo, Maureen Patrice Fury,…